Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's a family affair

You do not get as much privacy with a toddler as you had before. When I'm at home with her and I need to use the restroom, Audrey will stand outside the restroom and talk to me, pass flash cards underneath the door, etc. She doesn't understand why I would need any privacy and she doesn't feel the need to give me any. The other night I wanted to take a bath and Audrey was playing with her dad, so it was a perfect opportunity for me to have some alone time. A few minutes later, Scott came in to talk to me about some work stuff, Ivory (the wonder dog,) joined in with her curiosity for my love for a bath. Before I knew it, the whole family was in the bathroom with me. I turned to Scott and said, "seriously, guys." No photo for this post :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Got Legs!

Lately Audrey fights me to put on a pair of pants and she simply says, "No, I got legs!" She wants to be bare legged and just run around the house. I know that most kids go through a naked stage, so I guess I am thankful that she just wants to go without her pants. The other day I was trying to get us to the park and she was all for it, that is until she realized that it would require her to put her pants on. "Would you like to go to the park?" I asked. "No, I got legs, mom." She decided that playing at home where she could be pants-free was just fine. She kept running around saying, "I got legs!" She was so happy and it was cracking me up. Since she was moving around so fast I was only able to snap a quick photo. She is going to love summer!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I was REALLY looking forward to sleeping in today, but when Audrey came running in to say "Good morning Mom!" I couldn't resist her sweet offer when she asked, "You wanna watch Dora with me?" We watched a little Dora and headed out to breakfast. Audrey fell asleep in the car, maybe waking up before six is tiring to her too? We all went back home and took a long nap; it was awesome! When Audrey woke up we went to breakfast at Mary Jane's in the Hard Rock Hotel downtown. It wasn't too crowded and it was very kid-friendly. The food and service were great and we look forward to going back. On Saturday, we had a pre-Mother's Day celebration with my family at Mission Bay Park. It was a relaxing day by the bay and the weather was beautiful. Audrey had fun playing with her big cousin Mila and their new bubble guns from Grandma Donna.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Children's Museum

Today we ventured out to see the New Children's Museum. It was really fun and Audrey was excited to explore some new territory. She loved the kitchen area and we spent a good 45 minutes there. We went over to the outdoor painting area and she was so happy to get creative and a bit messy. She kept saying, "look at me, Mom, I'm painting." It was so cute! I love going out with her and taking her to new places. It's amazing to watch her take it all in.