Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's with the attitude?

We had a princess party to attend last Saturday and Audrey was thrilled about it, that is, until we arrived. At home she was happy about her princess themed attire, which included an adorable pink and cheetah detailed tutu, magic wand, and her beloved pink converse. I was delighted to get a second wear out of the tutu which was her Halloween costume last year. Audrey can never resist a nap in the car when she's sleepy and the ride was not long enough to get a decent nap, so when we arrived she was a little grouchy. She needs a little time after she wakes up till she's ready to be social and tolerant of others. I can be a little like that, so I've heard :) We were the first to arrive and Snow White was the guest of honor, happily painting faces and doing her ‘Snow White’ thing. “Do you want to get your face painted sweetie?" I asked. She wanted no part of anything that seemed fun, in fact she was a little dramatic and snotty, which, I can't like! Every time someone would ask her if she wanted to have her face painted, arm painted or a tattoo, she just replied with, "uh uh." Seriously? We are at a kid-party with Snow White, there are treats EVERYWHERE within her reach and she still wouldn't snap out of it! Eventually Snow White won her over with a balloon animal…the girl has a weakness for balloon animals. The rest of the party was great, except for the fact that she refused to eat anything that wasn't covered in frosting. I'm sure you can guess how the rest of the day went.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Where has the time gone?

January flew by! Audrey was sick for a little over a week. It's tough to stay indoors with a little ball of energy. We took a few neighborhood walks and trips to the carousel. Just tried to keep her away from other kids. I have been going back to Pilates weekly and it feels great! Such a great way for me to relax, get healthy and have fun. I have met some great Women in my class too. Audrey keeps me active, but it's not quite the same. When you are inside for a solid week, you get creative. I made a quick trip to Target to get some essentials. There was a tree tent around Christmas that Scott found. It looked cute, but didn't think we needed it. When I saw it on clearance and a week of not seeing friends or going on play dates flashed before my eyes, I decided that we did in fact need the tree tent. It's awesome and Audrey's face lighting up as I walked through the door with it, shouting " you bought this for me? Thank you, Mom!" Totally worth it :)